A Big Hello From Our Waterloo Wonders Class


Hello Liverpool from the Waterloo Wonders

For just one hour every week you can come and learn the art of burlesque, making new friends and building your confidence in a relaxed atmosphere with like-minded ladies of all ages, shapes, and sizes and just see where you could end up.

Old Bank Inn, 43 South Rd, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 5PE

Tuesday Nights 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Thursday Nights 7.00pm - 8.00pm


You will learn some fabulous routines and have the chance to dance with a variety of props. Every routine has been choreographed so everyone can join in and everyone can have the pleasure of having a bit of burlesque in their life.

Our classes are very beginner-friendly and EVERYONE is welcome.

I will look forward to dancing with you all soon.

Tina La Tease xxx