Student Views - Honey Petites - Hull Harlots

I joined Burlesque with Paris in Hull June 2021 and it’s been a life-changing experience.

It's really helped with my confidence as I'm initially a shy person and can be quite introverted. I soon found my feet. Five months later I won ' Miss Most Improved' at the annual show. This year I was shocked to win 'Star of the Class'. Hard work is awarded. I adore performing and found a new love for dance. I look forward to class every week and from 2023, I will be doing both Hull Classes.

It can be hard to make friends as adults but you’re guaranteed to make some at one of these fabulous classes. They bring together people from all walks of life. I met one of my closest friends through doing Burlesque. The ladies are so welcoming to newbies, even if you are on the quieter side, it doesn't matter. Everyone is so supportive.

What's amazing about Burlesque is the diversity, creativity & inclusivity. With BWP, you get to try different styles and use a variety of props to dance with. I love 'Dress Up Week'.

Our instructor Paris is very encouraging and motivating, making sure you are up to speed and not feeling left out. She's down to earth and cares about every single one of us. You can see she puts her heart and soul into everything she does which makes this place very special.

If you're debating joining a Burlesque with Paris Class then I'd highly recommend it.