Stage Confidence & Tassels and Assels Workshops With Khandie Khisses Are Coming Next Month...

Khandie Khisses Workshops

Both workshops will run on the 22nd of April at Drax Sports and Social Club.

Stage Confidence Times 10.00am - 11.30am

Tassel And Assels Times 11.30am - 12.30pm

Stage Confidence

This workshop is for those who are new or about to take to the stage.

Using techniques to enhance a performance, but also to engage more effectively with your audience in this stage reclaiming workshop with burlesque queen Khandie Khisses.

She shows your ability to explore, create, and add to your showgirl toolbox with techniques and a mindset that will celebrate you.

The aim is to have confidence and beautiful charisma ready for when you are walking out onto the stage or simply out of your front door.

£20.00 Per Person

14 Places Available

Tassel And Assels

We got you twirling what 'ya mumma' gave you and more.

This all about the performance workshop will have you finding new ways to entertain the audience.

Bring tassels and means to adhere them, legging or shorts. Bras/tops worn throughout.

£10.00 Each Person

14 Places Available

For more information and to book your place click the buttons below…