Chair Dance Master Class Workshops With Paris Chantilly

We hosted our Chair Dance Masterclass workshop twice throughout June on the 10th of June at D’Angelos Dance Academy in Hull and the 24th of June at Dunsville Community Centre in Doncaster.

Our masterclass workshops give all of our burlesque lovelies the chance to experience burlesque at its fullest in a safe environment without having the pressure to take it to the stage.

Our chair dance masterclass routine to the legendary Rosemary Clooney Sway is a classic style of burlesque that teaches you the elegance of the stocking peel, shirt removal, and chair posture with elegant poses.

Both workshops were incredible and all of our burlesque lovelies in both workshops were sensational. They learned a chair dance routine and worked on their leg lines and posture as well as learning how to use their legs as sexy weapons to attract attention from afar.

They were full of excitement and took to the stocking peels with grace and style. Their stocking shimmies were fabulous but I think they enjoyed their stockings flying through the air the most.

Definitely, a workshop that left them all feeling sexy, confident, full of fabulousness, and loving the skin that they are in.


Kind Words From Our Workshop Wonders…

Sugarboo - Hull Harlots & Hull Honeys

“Sexy, tantalising, teasing.. are just a few words I could use to describe the feeling when taking part in the chair dance workshop with Paris. Sultry music and great choreography led by a talented artist and teacher. I loved every moment of this workshop learning new skills amongst a group of gorgeous, supportive women. We giggled and laughed throughout! The steps were broken down into small bite sized sections and were easy to learn. Could not recommend this highly enough..”

Heather Ann Lace - Selby Sirens

“Master class chair dance was the first workshop I have taken part in with Paris. It was very inclusive allowing dancers with different abilities to partake. In this brilliant master class we learnt stocking removal as well as chair dance. This class also gave the opportunity to meet with likeminded people and have a really good time. I will be back for another workshop! I feel more confident than ever xxx”

Emerald Fuego - Featherstone Follies

“Master class chair dance was the first workshop I have taken part in with Paris. It was very inclusive allowing dancers with different abilities to partake. In this brilliant master class we learned stocking removal as well as chair dance. This class also gave me the opportunity to meet with likeminded people and have a really good time. I will be back for another workshop! I feel more confident than ever xxx”