My Life Since Burlesque - Scarlett Valentine


Selby Starlets - Scarlett Valentine

My Moto In Life - Just Wing It!

Age 24

I joined Burlesque With Paris in Selby on opening night on the 1st March 2017 and I have never looked back. I have tried many things over the years like the gym, clubbercise and other dance clubs but never found anything that gave me the motivation to stick to going every week so everything was short-lived.

I have been part of the Selby Starlets class for over 2 years now and I love it! It’s the only hobby I have ever found that I love so much and have stuck to, I would be gutted if the class stopped as it’s my weekly crave that I look forward to each and every week.

Why I Chose To Join Burlesque With Paris

I was looking for something to build my confidence, meet new people and loved the idea of having the chance to wear lots of beautiful sparkly costumes, and that is exactly what I have done! There is such a wide variety of women in my class, were all different ages, shapes, and sizes but everyone is so nice and we all have a good giggle together. I love how we all build each other up, and how relaxed we all are together. We always find something to have a laugh about.


I really enjoy doing the promo days and the calendar charity event as we get to mix with all the ladies from all of the other classes that Paris teaches. They're all really nice , we have all got to know each other which makes it nice when we do the shows as we all support each other even though were all in different classes.

Paris is a brilliant instructor. She goes at a pace that everyone is happy with, explains everything so we all understand what we’re doing and she really does go that extra mile for us all. She supports all of us in all the ways we need it and she even lets us go to her house in her own time away from class to work with her individually when we’re working on routines for the show. I wouldn’t want another instructor.

Joining Selby Starlets has given me a big confidence boost and played a huge part in helping me learn to love the body the way I am. I have done boudoir photoshoots which I never thought I would pluck up the courage to do. It’s the best thing I have ever done and I would tell anyone who is looking at joining a burlesque class to go for it, you would surprise yourself and I am sure you would love it just as much as I do.

My Burlesque Name

I knew I wanted Scarlett in my name as red is my favourite colour so I played around with all the different words that I could put with it to see which I liked the best. I also went on the Burlesque Name Generator to give me some ideas before I eventually chose Scarlett Valentine. I now have my own personal name that represents me and my favorite colour and I always wear something red when I am performing on stage.


Class Routines

My favourite thing about my class is new routine week when we find out which song we’re dancing to and which prop were dancing with. My favourite class routine so far has been Caro Emerald - That Man, it is such a fun routine to do and I really loved dancing with the trilby hats. My favorite prop to dance with is ostrich fans they look beautiful and are really nice to dance with. My worst prop to dance with is gymnastic ribbons, no matter how much I try I just end up getting myself all tangled up with it but it is fun trying to do it and very entertaining for all the others in my class to watch me attempt it.

Burlesque With Paris Shows

I love the burlesque shows we do and have performed in them all from the day we started doing them. Performing on stage always gives me a little confidence boost especially when I perform solo and I always feel really proud of myself after. The first time I ever performed was at the first Burlesque Ball show in 2017 and I was super nervous but now I just get super excited for it and get my creative head on making sure my costume works alongside whatever I am performing to. The atmosphere at the shows is always amazing and we always have such a fantastic night. My favourite performance I have done so far is Cruella De Vil - Selena Gomez and I have to say I loved my wig I didn’t want to take it off.

My Most Empowering Moment

My most empowering moment was definitely the first time I ever performed solo on stage back in November 2017 but I feel the same time every time I perform. I feel incredible after each time I do it. I never want to stop and love how it makes me feel, although being crowned Miss Burlesque With Paris 2017 was absolutely incredible and made me feel sensational, it definitely made me feel very proud of myself and what I had achieved.

My Most Favourite Thing About Burlesque With Paris

I love my class and all of the ladies who are in my class but I have to say my most favorite thing is the Annual Show. I look forward to it every year and get so excited when Paris brings the tickets into class and then I start counting the weeks down till the night of the show.

Welcome To Burlesque Routine - Annual Show - 4th November 2017

Welcome To Burlesque Routine - Burlesque Ball Show - 4th November 2017

Cruella De Vil - Student Showcase Show - 30th March 2018

Cruella De Vil - The Revelry Of Tease Show - 30th March 2018

Cruella De Vil - Student Showcase Show - 30th March 2018

Cruella De Vil - The Revelry Of Tease Show - 30th March 2018

Bird Set Free Routine - Student Showcase Show - 11th May 2018

Bird Set Free Routine - The Revelry Of Tease Show - 11th May 2018

But I Am A Good Girl Class Routine - Annual Show - 3rd November 2018

But I Am A Good Girl Class Routine - Burlesque Ball Show - 3rd November 2018

Miss Star Of Burlesque With Paris 2017 - Annual Show - 4th November 2017

Miss Star Of Burlesque With Paris 2017 - Burlesque Ball Show - 4th November 2017