Tesco Dance Beats Charity Event - Paris Chantilly and Her Burlesque Queens - 19th July 2019


To celebrate 100 years of Tesco, Goole Goddesses, Selby Sirens, and Selby Starlets were invited to dance in the Tesco superstore in Goole on Friday night, on the 19th of July to help with their Dance Beats charity event. Dance Beats is Tesco's biggest ever fundraiser to celebrate 100 years of Tesco. The money raised will go to their partner charities Cancer Research, British Heart Foundation, and Diabetes UK.

Welcome To Burlesque

Welcome To Burlesque



Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps

Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps

Paris Chantilly created a Burlesque compilation song which was a full mixture of ten snippets from some of our fabulous class routines. Welcome To Burlesque, Umbrella, Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps, Candyman, I Just Want To Make Love To You, Back In Time, Sparkling Diamonds, That Man, Feeling Good and Singing In The Rain.



I Just Want To Make Love To You

I Just Want To Make Love To You

Back In Time

Back In Time

For four weeks the Goole Goddesses, Selby Sirens, and Selby Starlets classes have been working hard learning the Tesco Dance Beat routine so each snippet of each routine flowed from start to finish. All of our ladies were in two or three of the snippets and practiced the routine to perfection.

Sparkling Diamonds

Sparkling Diamonds

That Man

That Man

Feeling Good

Feeling Good

The customers of Tesco were a lovely crowd to entertain and it was lovely to see all the boys and girls who were watching joining in the fun with their mums while our ladies were dancing. We received lots of positive feedback about our burlesque class in Goole with new ladies coming to start the Goole Goddesses class on Monday night.

Singing In The Rain

Singing In The Rain

Tesco was very happy with our efforts and contributions to their Dance Beats fundraiser and we even found the time for extra photos to be taken with the customers before we went home, as well as letting parents take photographs of their children with our class props.

All of our ladies really enjoyed themselves and we will definitely be helping with future fundraisers and dancing our way to help raise money for well worthy charities.


I am so proud of all of my ladies. They put 110% into this routine and they looked amazing in their class uniforms. My ladies are an incredible bunch of ladies, and I have the pleasure of having these magnificent, supportive ladies in my classes. This is why I love my job so much. To see three of my classes come together to take part in this fabulous fun fundraiser for Tesco has been so much fun and the start of some spectacular events to look forward to for all of my ladies in all of my classes.

“Thank you to all of my ladies for making me so proud and being part of my Burlesque Family”

Paris Chantilly xxxx