Miss Star Of Burlesque With Paris 2022

Our Star Of Burlesque With Paris 2022 was Scarlett Vixen.

Scarlett Vixen is part of the Hull Harlots class and started Burlesque With Paris in September 2021.

She performed at Paris Chantilly’s Student Showcase for the first time on the 6th of May 2022 with two of her friends from class Honey Petites and Midnight Muse. They performed their routine to ‘Lust For Life’ using ostrich fans. They were the first performers to perform on the stage and performed a magnificent performance together.

Lust For Life - Student Showcase 6th May 2022

Lust For Life - Student Showcase 6th May 2022

Scarlett Vixen is one of the popular girls in Hull Harlots and is so easy to dance with and get along with. She really enjoys class when it is dress-up week and always comes dressed to impress. She loves dancing with all of the different class props and is always enthusiastic to learn the routines she is taught. I think ostrich fans have been one of Scarlett Vixen’s favourite props so far.

Santa Baby 2021 - 2021

Welcome To Burlesque - 2022

All That Jazz - 2022


Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps - 2022

That Man - 2022


Scarlett Vixen was so excited about our Annual Show which was on the 12th of November 2022. She performed in the class routine ‘SMASH’ with Dolores Moon, Suki-Rae Faberge, Roxy Wild, and Cherry Daiquiri. They opened the show with a bang and went down a storm with echoing applause from our audience.

Scarlett Vixen performed her solo debut to ‘Teach Me Tiger’ and OMG she was incredible. Her performance was outstanding with a spectacular costume to match and she captivated the audience from the moment she stepped onto the stage. Her Isis Wing technique was incredible and the audience absolutely loved her.

This year there really was no other choice for Miss Star Of Burlesque With Paris 2022. The right lady was given it for all of her enthusiasm for everything that she does. She really is a big part of Hull Harlots and is so encouraging and supportive of everyone she is in class with.

When I called her onto the stage she really could not believe she had been given this award. She cried when she stepped onto the stage and it took a few minutes for her to take it in but that is just part of the magic of who Scarlett Vixen is. She looked absolutely beautiful in her short red dress and we just added all the finishing touches with her pink sash, red tiara, and red organza boa. She truly did look like the Burlesque With Paris Beauty Queen.

The day Scarlett Vixen came to join us I really did not think she would stay. She was so quiet and shy and unsure of herself. Dress-Up week consisted of everything being covered from head to foot.

The first show she came to was the Annual Show in 2021 and she was so surprised by all of the performers on stage. I didn’t think she would come back to class after the show but she did and OMG what a transformation.

From dressing up as Misses Christmas in December to walking in at Dress-UP week in January in her red babydoll and needing me to attach her stockings to their straps she really has blown me away.

I have had the privilege of watching her blossom into the beautiful performer that she is now. She is full of confidence and embraces the challenge to learn new things. Scarlett Vixen is so appreciative of everything that you do for her and expects nothing in return. She is so selfless and is such a beautiful person inside and out.

Thank you for being part of the Hull Harlots class and for bringing all of the fun, wiggles, and laughter you do into my life as an instructor.

I am looking forward to seeing your new solo performance in 2023 at the Student Showcase because you truly are magical to watch on stage. You were born for burlesque and really did deserve to be Miss Burlesque With Paris 2022. For me, there really was no other choice.

Keep being the beautiful redhead you are because you really are an INCREDIBLE Performer.

Paris Chantilly xxxxx