Miss Star Of Burlesque With Paris 2017

Our Star Of Burlesque With Paris 2017 was Scarlett Valentine.

Scarlett Valentine is part of the Selby Starlets class and started Burlesque With Paris on the 1st March 2017. She has joined in on our promotional events and taken part with other ladies from other classes and has been an absolute pleasure to have around.


She performed solo at our Annual Show on 4th November for the first time and was absolutely incredible.

She took her style and sexiness to the stage for the first time performing Welcome To Burlesque in her corset and sequinned headdress. There was a petal pour, glove removal and swinging of her fur cuffs. She looked a million dollars and she performed a show-stopping performance and wowed the audience throughout her routine.


She has worked so hard and nothing is too much for her to try. To see the beautiful sassy bombshell that she has turned into has been a privilege and what a credit she is to the Seby Starlets class and Burlesque With Paris.


“I am so pleased Scarlett Valentine came to join my class and I can not wait to see what she brings to the stage in the future. She is a pleasure to teach and a pleasure to watch and I am so proud of everything she has achieved”.

Paris Chantilly xxxx