What To Expect In Your First Burlesque With Paris Class.......


Walking into class for the first time is undoubtedly the hardest and scariest feeling you will have. You will be nervous and your anxiety levels will be at a high. You don’t know what to expect, What are all of the ladies like? Will I be the only one that goes on my own? What do they all wear? You will have so many questions running through your head before you pluck up the courage to think right that’s it, I am going, I need to see what this is about and I want to meet some new friends and bring some fun into my life! I want to do that something different!

BWP supports and encourages all ladies of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities and everyone is welcome to our classes. There is no judgment allowed in our classes, just fun, and enjoyment while learning a new skill, making new friends and supporting each other while learning how to be your own kind of beautiful.

All of our ladies were the same as you when they came to join us for the first time. Most of our ladies come on their own and have done since the day they started and now there enjoying themselves that much you can’t keep them away.

All of our ladies wear leggings and tops, something they feel comfortable in. Some of our ladies wear heels and some are still deciding which dance shoes they want for class. Everyone is different and BWP embraces the fact that everyone is different and has different likes and abilities that is what makes our classes so incredible as you all have your own little piece of yourself to add to our burlesque family!

We are an empowerment of extraordinary women coming together to create amazing things….

When you arrive at class you will be greeted by the instructor of the class and as always it’s the boring paperwork side of things that has to be done first. Membership form, film and photography agreement and then the class register.

You will see all the ladies arriving as they’re all coming into class and you will be overwhelmed with all of the smiley faces and everyone introducing themselves so you know who everyone is and they know who you are. We all have a good giggle and a quick chat while everyone signs the class register then the class begins.

The first thing we do is a warm-up so everyone moves into the middle of the room. No one has a fixed place where they dance every week they all just end up where they end up and each week they are all in different places.

Then comes the exciting part, the props come out for the routine that you will be learning and dancing. Each part of the routine is broken down and it is explained so you all know what you are doing, then we dance each section that is broken down with the music.

In all of our routines, we have had times where someone can’t do a specific move and when this happens it isn’t a problem. Your instructor will work around it with you. It’s not a negative thing if you can’t do a specific move we just like to think your too fabulous to do it so we need to adapt it to something more glamorous just for you.

Each routine is taught and learnt over a 4 to 6 week period depending on how quickly everyone picks it up. There is no pressure from the instructor or the other ladies in the class. Everyone has different things that they struggle with and everyone has different things that they pick up straight away. It takes as long as it takes, there is no rush everyone just enjoys learning at the speed that suits EVERYONE in the class.

One thing you can expect is truly fabulous music, sensational choreography, and glorious props.

Our fabulous music list so far is Welcome To Burlesque, Singing In The Rain, Feeling Good, Candyman, Back In Time, But I Am A Good Girl, That Man, Sparkling Diamonds, Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps and S&M.

With every fabulous piece of music, we have sensational choreography which is paired to it. Every song is different and every choreographed routine has different moves but each and everyone is so much fun to learn.

Our glorious prop list is Ostrich Fans, Umbrellas, Floggers, Silk Fans, Canes, Trilby Hats, Boa’s, Gloves, Gypsy Coin Skirts, and Chairs.

At the end of class, all the props are put away and then we have a cool down which is the same as the warm-up. Everyone just goes and stands in a space and we all cool down.

That’s your first class over. All your nerves will have gone and your anxiety levels will have dropped. You will have a big smile on your face and feel so happy that you took the plunge to come and join in. You will be talking and mixing with all of the ladies talking about class and they will be telling you about the routines they have learned and how long they have been coming.

There you have it you have just started your burlesque journey and you will be excited about coming back into class the following week.

Now your burlesque journey has started this is what you can expect…

BWP will break down everything you think you know about burlesque and build it back up in a strong, exciting empowering way.

You will be part of a weekly dance class that is full of shimmies, giggles, wiggles and so much fun.

You will start to feel confident in your dancing and feel encouraged and supported by your instructor as well as all of the ladies in your class. You will discover a style of burlesque that suits you and one that you really love and enjoy. You will discover what props you love to dance with and the props you hate to dance with.

You will have the opportunity to take part in our shows which is an amazing experience. Whether you perform with all of your ladies who your in class with or take the plunge and perform solo it is completely up to you and you will be supported and encouraged with what YOU want to do.

Most importantly you will be accepted for you, you will be part of something extraordinary and part of your very own burlesque family.

Always remember to be your own kind of beautiful, that’s the best kind of beautiful there is!